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    Water Bill Forecaster Info (PDF)

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Filtered Water Bill Forecaster’ and ‘Raw Water Bill Forecaster

Quick Start:

Commence by filling out the 7 data boxes (upper left with white background).  Message text is displayed as a mouse-over function for each data box.  Refer, in particular, to the message concerning available options when entering data in the first data box.

Billing periods are typically 90 ~ 120 days but any period (90 ~ 366 days) may be nominated.  If no 'annual access' charge applies, leave the data box empty, do not insert “0” (use the delete key to clear the data box if necessary).

Use only “/” for date and “:” for time as separators.

Leading zeros are not necessary, example; 1/7/10 will automatically format to 01/07/2010.

Enter time using either the 24 hour format (16:07:23) or 12 hour format (4:07:23 PM).

When using the 12 hour format, ensure a single space after the last digit (4:07:23 PM ).

Enter the commencement date and time in cells A25 ~ B25 and the initial meter reading in cell C25.

Commence new entries in row 26 then continue using consecutive rows.

For a more accurate bill forecast, refer to the previous bill to determine the commencement date for the current billing period, and the previous meter readings to be brought forward.  If the previous bill is not available, simply start with current values.

The white data input cells are the only user accessible areas of the program.  The spreadsheet is 'bomb proof' - try it out.

Averages and projections vary more during the early stages of filling out the meter readings, however, the trend line steadies significantly as the date span increases.

The number of billing days nominated may be changed at any time (on the fly) to generate “what if scenarios”.  Dates, times and meter readings may also be varied without restriction to experiment and sample different scenarios.  When actual data is used, the program charts display a precise and meaningful consumption pattern together with a very accurate bill forecast.

Water and electricity costs haven't been a major consideration until now, however, steep price increases are likely in the near future!

These programs provide a timely means of managing consumption by reviewing past and present consumption rates.

Please refer to the 'Information Tabs' in the Excel Workbook for detailed information.



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    Excel Spreadsheet (XLS)

    Water Bill Forecaster Info (PDF)

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do not run direct from the server.


For further information:



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    Excel Spreadsheet (XLS)

    Electricity Bill Forecaster Info (PDF)

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do not run direct from the server.


Electricity Bill Forecaster

Quick Start:

"Electricity Bill Forecaster" program provides an accurate forecast for your next bill by progressively applying meter readings across a known billing period.

Billing structures for electricity supply commonly incorporate a service charge together with a 2 stage consumption charge for General Supply and a separate service charge and consumption charge for OP Hot Water.  This format is accommodated.

Commence by filling out the 6 data boxes (upper left with white background).  Do not include GST (GST does apply and is automatically added in the display).  Billing periods are typically 90 days but any period (10 ~ 366 days) may be nominated.

If no access charge applies, leave the data box empty, do not insert “0” (use the delete key to clear the data box if necessary).

Mouse-over prompts are provided for each data box.

Use only ”/” for date and “:” for time as separators. Enter time using either the 24 hour format (16:07:23) or 12 hour format (4:07:23 PM).  When using the 12 hour format, use the appropriate AM or PM designator and ensure a single space after the last digit (4:07:23 PM).

For a more accurate bill forecast, refer to the previous bill to determine the commencement date for the current billing period, and the previous meter readings to be brought forward.  If the previous bill is not available, simply start with current values. 

The white data input cells are the only user accessible areas of the program.  The spreadsheet is 'bomb proof' - try it out.

Averages and projections vary more during the early stages of filling out the meter readings, however, the trend line steadies significantly as the date span increases.

The number of billing days nominated may be changed at any time (on the fly) to generate “what if scenarios”.  Dates, times and meter readings may also be varied without restriction to experiment and sample different scenarios.  When actual data is used, the program charts display a precise and meaningful consumption pattern together with a very accurate bill forecast.

Water and electricity costs haven't been a major consideration until now, however, steep price increases are likely in the near future!  These programs provide a timely means of managing consumption by reviewing past and present consumption rates.

Please refer to the 'Information Tabs' in the Excel Workbook for detailed information.


For further information: